Monday, October 04, 2004


October is a fickle month. Or maybe I should say "moody" ... bright, sunny and warm one day; dark, cloudy and cold the next. Sometimes it's downright schizophrenic...all four seasons in one day! This morning we woke to a covering of snow on the leaves and grass with the sun pushing away the clouds. Now, a couple hours later, the clouds are winning and have completely blanketed the sky in gray. It'll probably go back and forth like this all day.

The house is a little chilly; I've yet to fire up the furnace for the fall season, but today just might be the day. Have to see who wins the shoving match in the sky -- Clouds, it's furnace; sun, it's bake something in the oven and put on wool sox.

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Although I love sunny days, I'm hoping for an overcast one to force me indoors. We have dozens and dozens of Grandma boxes to sort through yet. Easier to tackle when the outdoors isn't as inviting.
Stay warm!