Friday, November 05, 2004


Cheri informed me that I have become a "slacker" where blogging is concerned. Somehow, that information gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling -- it's nice to be missed! And she's right, I have not blogged, but once, since retrieving our computer from the PC doc. Our computer resides in our basement and when I whined to Cheri that "it's chilly down there and my arthritis has flared up in my neck" she firmly encouraged me to put on wool socks, heat up my rice-bag, bring along a cup of tea, and light a couple candles. So, now that I've set the scene: me in wool socks with my rice-bag draped over my neck, sipping vinegar & honey tea, hunched over the keyboard; let me just say that I am suffering from a bad case of writer's block and call it quits for today. I'll try again tomorrow!


Cheri said...

It's nice to have you back, former slacker!

Writer's block haunts me too. I've been asking God to open my eyes so I can see where He is working. He is working all over the place, surprise, surprise!

Blog on Sistuh! Tell us what God is doing in your life.

Cheri said...

By the way, 'firmly encouraged' sounds so much better than 'nagged' or 'hassled'.