Friday, November 19, 2004


Last night's supper was delightful. In the afternoon I built a fire in our firepit, which gave me an opportunity to burn up a lot of the chewed up sticks Cass (our 9 month old purebred pain-in-the-butt) drags into the yard. I enjoyed the balmy fall afternoon, tending the fire, and doing a little raking. When the fire had burned down to a good base of coals I put chicken breasts with a bottle of barbeque sauce and a can of Coke together in my big cast iron dutch oven, which I then put on the fire. I sliced red potatoes and onions, wrapped them with some butter in tinfoil and put them on a rack over the fire. While supper cooked I watched the sun go down and the moon come up. It was a beautiful night. With the sun's departure, it turned chilly so the fire provided warmth and comfort.

Taylie and Tessa had surprised me with a raspberry Jello salad they'd made earlier while I was gone and it complemented the meal wonderfully. We dished up our plates by the fire and, though the menfolk fled indoors claiming it was too cold out, the girls and I ate by firelight and savored the fine cuisine and superb ambience of the setting. It doesn't get any better.

1 comment:

Lora said...

Yup! Must be the Irish in us, huh?