Thursday, September 02, 2004


It had been my plan to take a ride this morning with a group of friends up to Bond Falls, about 30 minutes north of here in the U.P. As usual, I started reconsidering going because I have so much to do here at home, Taylie wasn't feeling well, etc. I am very thankful to say that my heart over-ruled my common sense and I proceeded with my plans to go.

It was a lovely morning and Bond Falls is beautiful any time of the year. We spent the drive there, the walk down to the bottom of the Falls, and our picnic lunch laughing, talking and marveling at God's creation. Sue prayed before we ate; thanking Him for the day, the place, the friends, and the opportunity to be there in His Presence. She asked that, like the water we could hear rushing over the rocks, His Spirit would wash over us; refreshing and renewing us.

I had come so close to cancelling out on this morning because I'm overwhelmed with all my responsibilities at home. I forget that God calls us to rest. If I hadn't gone, I might have gotten some things done at home but I would still be overwhelmed because it is never-ending. Instead, I came home with a refreshed and renewed spirit because I entered God's "rest stop" along the way.

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 10:28

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