Saturday, January 24, 2009


A couple of you have expressed interest in Potato Pizza, a family favorite. I don't really have a recipe; it's one of those "as you would" kind of things. Anyway, here's how I do it:

Use two large pre-baked pizza crusts. I either make my homemade yeast pizza crust and bake till just starting to brown or, if I'm looking for something quicker, I buy Mama Mary brand pre-baked crusts. I know there are other brands, but haven't tried them.

Peel and boil six large potatoes. Cook one pound of bacon and break into about 1/2 to l inch pieces. Chop one meduim onion. Grate one pound of mozzarella cheese.

Spread crusts with sour cream, not too thick...about one half cup per crust.

Slice potatoes evenly on the crusts to cover all but very edge. This layer of potatoes will be more than one slice deep. Salt and pepper to taste.

Divide first the onion between the two pizzas, distributing evenly, then do the same with the bacon pieces, followed by the cheese.

Bake in preheated 400 degree oven until cheese is melting and beginning to brown, about 12 - 14 minutes. I bake one pizza at a time because they don't take long and that way the second one is still hot when served.

You can tweak any and all of the ingredients to your preference...more or less sour cream or bacon, leave off the onions...whatever. Obviously, this is a high calorie and fat pizza but I have taken to using fat free or low fat cheese and sour cream and it's just as good. We have added other toppings at times...some were good, some not. Whatever you would like on a baked potato is best. Remember, it's not a tomato sauce pizza so nix the mushrooms and oregano. I would love to hear from any of you who come up with your own variations. Enjoy!

PS - this pizza is great left over


Cheri said...

Thank you!

Candy said...

I will be giving this a whirl! I have heard you mention it before, but never tried it myself.