Saturday, January 17, 2009


You'll have to bear with me; there's a lot swirling around in my head these days but little of it alights long enough to be formulated into anything remotely blog-worthy.

I could bore you with the mundane details of my week:

Sunday: Sang on the worship team during the morning's worship service, celebrated Tessa's 16th birthday with my folks, played cards at friends while the kids had Sr. High Bible Study.

Monday: Went to visit and provide care for friend, Florence, in her home; made potato pizza and a strawberry-rhubarb pie for Tessa's birthday dinner while enjoying the company of future daughter-in-love, Mandy, and future official grandson, Damon. Celebrated Tess's birthday again, then went to church for Bible Study.

Tuesday: Mandy called at 8:30 and asked if we wanted to go swimming. Swimming! It's 8:30 AM and -35 degrees out. At the local pool, silly. Sure...why not. In the afternoon, did aforementioned favor for Ramsey and delivered roses to Mandy at work.

Wednesday: Pretty much just did school with Tess and Wy and housework. Woohoo. Mandy and Damon came over.

Thursday: Are you bored yet? I am. School, laundry, zzzzzzzzz ........

Friday: Back to visit and care for Florence. Cards and pizza at the home of Pastor Joe and Sue.

Saturday: Family Council meeting at local nursing home where my grandmother is a resident, worship team practice, errands in town, home to knit...hopefully.

There you have it. They say sometimes you just have to put your time in to get past writers' block. I've done my time...hopefully I'm rehabilitated.


Cheri said...

I don't suppose your next post could be a recipe for potato pizza. After all, Daniel doesn't live here anymore.

Cheri said...

Roadtrips are good rehab for bloggers.

Also hanging out with little kids.

Lots of blogger fodder.

Cheri said...

And if you trust me with your password, I could do your sidebar stuff for you (she said with a sinister smile on her face).

Candy said...

I was just wondering if Rams ever got you roses just because he loved you? Or is that not the thing to do for your Mom?!! Tess, my birthday is in March, that cheesecake was awesome. Hint, hint!