Thursday, November 24, 2005


What many regard as the first Thanksgiving took place in December 1621 as the religious Separatist Pilgrims held a three-day feast to celebrate God's provision and a bountiful harvest. The day did not become a national holiday until 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November a national day of thanksgiving. Later, the ever economy-minded President Franklin Roosevelt declared that Thanksgiving should always be on the fourth Thursday of the month to encourage holiday shopping; never on the occasional fifth Thursday.

I find counting my blessing and looking for things to be thankful for can really make a positive difference in my mood and outlook; not just today, but every day. God has so richly blessed me. Everything I have, everything I need, comes from Him.

1) Jesus Christ loved me and died for me before I loved Him.
2) God's grace is sufficient for me.
3) He promised He will never leave me nor forsake me.
4) His strength is made perfect in my weakness.
5) His mercies are new every morning.
6) He has given me a godly husband who loves me, is a good provider,
and a great dad.
7) He has given me four healthy, beautiful children.
8) My children all know Jesus as their Savior.
9) I have everything I need.
10) We enjoy good health.
Those are just the top ten; I could go on and on with big and little things. I hope you all can say the same. Let's make it a point to be thankful everyday; not just on this national holiday.


Cheri said...


Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Amen... That and more, not to mention we live in the greatest country in the world