Tuesday, October 18, 2005


The first and third Tuesday each month during the school year, our local library hosts a homeschool group activity. This semester we are studying drama and putting on a production of the Wizard of Oz. The library has brought in a retired drama professor to teach and direct. A very good opportunity for these homeschoolers.

Not if you ask my son, Wylie. It's rather ironic that he detests having to go to this class; as he is easily the most dramatic of my four children and definitely a born comedian. He was the unplanned "oops" born 13 months after his sister. It wasn't funny at the time, but God must have known I would need comic relief.

Wylie has tried everything to get out of having to attend drama:

"I'll take piano lessons if I don't have to take drama."

I told him he was taking both.

"I'm painfully shy."

Yeah, right.

Today his dramatic flair really surfaced. He faked diarrhea for six hours, clutching his belly and staggering for the bathroom.

"I can't go today, Mom."

I gave him a Pepto Bismol tablet and told him to get in the car.

At drama practice he didn't suffer a single cramp nor made a single trip to the washroom. He hammed it up as the Scarecrow, much to the delight of his co-actors. He just can't help himself.


Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Sounds a lot like I was... I know it might be hard for you to believe, but I was voted "Class Clown" four years straight...

Lora said...

No way! :)

Thomas J Wolfenden said...


Anonymous said...

Mom, I was NOT faking! You shoulda smelled the bathroom!

Wyler Austin Haynes,
Drama Doof