Monday, September 12, 2005


It is Monday morning and I am trying to get back into the routine of a busy school week day. We returned from camping at Lake Gogebic refreshed and renewed, but I'm finding it difficult to make the transition from R&R to "business as usual". Mondays are always full days for me...doubly so when they follow a weekend away.

Our family weekend was wonderful with great weather, beautiful fall colors swirling down in the breeze, ducks and chipmunks to feed, new friends in the campsite next to us, good eating, and a second place in the walleye tournament for Mark.

The Lord ministered to me in a special way as I spent my quiet time with Him early in the mornings on the shore of the lake; the sun an orange ball peeking above the far treeline. I'd been feeling somewhat pummeled and discouraged of late but He restored my joy and renewed my hope. He's pulled me from the mirey clay, He's given me a brand new day; my heart and soul are praising, Halleluia!

1 comment:

Cheri said...

So glad you had a good time.
Course it would have been even better if you had come to Nesbit. :)