Thursday, February 17, 2005


Today is our youngest child's 11th birthday. Wyler Austin, aka Wylie. The unplanned, unexpected surprise fourth child, arriving 13 months after his sister. Discovering I was pregnant with him blew me away. I had a tiny infant, was exhausted, and had not yet recovered psychologically from her birth. I didn't tell Mark the news for two weeks. He flipped.
Looking back on that time, I don't know what our life would be without this little goof-ball God bestowed on us. From the moment he arrived in our world, with his huge eyes wide open, he has cracked us up. The Lord must have known we would be needing some comic relief through the years.

Wylie has also given us more heart-stopping moments than the other three put together: eating a glass Christmas ornament (helpfully thrown into his playpen by his sister), tumbling all the way down the basement stairs (after the baby gate was helpfully opened by the same sister), choking on a little square of film from a View Finder reel (sis wasn't involved in that one), swallowing his brother's off-limits Legos, nearly drowning in Lake Superior, and (worst of all by far) wandering off at the age of three at a crowded State Park. The first few years were a real rollercoaster! And now you get the title of this blog.

I offer a prayer of heartfelt gratitude for this son of laughter, our "Isaac", for God's protection of him, and ask for wisdom as we guide him on the path to becoming a godly young man. Happy Birthday "Wyler, Wyler, manure piler"...that's another story.

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Happy Birthday Wylie!