Thursday, January 12, 2006


Unbelievable, the way time passes...

Today is our youngest daughter's thirteenth birthday. Tessa Rose with the button nose. It's her birthday, but what a gift from God she is to us. Beautiful, talented, ardent in likes and dislikes, thoughtful and sensitive, helpful and servant-hearted. Her rippling, musical laugh delights my soul; her round, blue eyes spilling over with tears breaks my heart. Caught in the riptide of passage between childhood and young womanhood, she dances and stumbles.

I don't even remember my thirteenth birthday, but I do remember the ups, downs, and lost-somewhere-in-betweens of the age. Observing one's daughter travel that road brings back some of the job now is to discern when to catch her and when to let her fall.

I saw a sign that said, "Raising teenagers is kind of like nailing Jello to a tree." My interpretation: It's a sweet challenge requiring patience and ingenuity and grace.

Last August, Taylie and Tessa and I were out picking wild blueberries. As we walked back to the car, I was flanked by the girls who each carried a full bucket in one hand and held my hands with the other. The late afternoon sun cast our shadows before us and the image smote my heart. I marveled at what God has done: given me two beautiful daughters who want to be with me, talk with me, learn from me, and teach me of themselves. How blessed I am!


Cheri said...

Very sweet blog Lora.

Happy Birthday Tessa Rose!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tessa!

Your blog made me wish it was 10
years earlier, never mind more like
14 years earlier. What am i saying!!

Anyway thanks for putting my bag
in the office, just cant keep track
of all my bags!
Love, Ann

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Happy B-Day Tessa!

May you have manny more!

Lora said...

Thanks all...Tessa appreciated the birthday wishes.