Thursday, February 10, 2005


Today was one of those days that kind of rubbed my face in the fact that I am getting older...

Started off top of the morning with my yearly mamogram, picked up my new bifocals at the eyewear center, ran into a high school chum and her granddaughter at the grocery store, and found out my younger sister's former husband suffered a massive heart attack (thankfully, he survived). Finished out the day with our usual Thursday night card game with two other couples, where every hand someone's asking, "What was trump?" or "What was led?" or "Whose deal is it?" You know it's getting pretty bad when your husband is cupping his hand behind his ear to help him hear what someone is saying.


Cheri said...

Welcome to the club.

Cheri said...

What's wrong with 50? :)

Lora said...

I'm stayin' outta this one!!