Wednesday, November 17, 2004


I like to help others who are in need. It gives me a good feeling to know I've eased someone's burden and I am fulfilling the mandate set forth in Galations 6:2 where the Apostle Paul tells us, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ". I may not always know what the need is but, if I am made aware, I am glad to be able to help in some way.

Some women have built-in radar for others in need and show up with just what you need, right when you need it. My friend, Cheri, is one of these women. God has gifted her with a helping spirit and the discernment to go with it. I am one of many who has been blessed by her help over the years.

The thing we need to remember is this verse in Galations implies a giving and receiving of help. For some of us -- me included, it is easier, or more comfortable, to give than to receive. If pride, embarrassment, or fear of looking like a failure keep us from asking for help we deprive others of the blessing that comes from helping. It is God's plan for others to bear my burdens with me and vice versa. We need to accept help as willingly as we offer it.

I am being blessed right now by being able to help Cheri go through the immense amount of belongings, left by her mother-in-law's passing away, and prepare for an estate sale. I am glad that Cheri has given me this opportunity to come alongside her and help bear her burden. Thank you, Cheri.


Cheri said...

My pleasure, I think. I mean I really, really appreciate the help.
And as you now know I really, really, need it.

Thanks, sistuh!

Just like Aaron and Hur held up Moses arms during battle, you are holding up mine. Aren't you glad I shower everyday?

Lora said...

Listen, after the encounter with the antique smelling salts, I don't think it would faze me if you missed a shower or two! =)