Wednesday, September 15, 2004


No, that's not a quote from Admiral Robert Peary or Santa's what the third Wednesday morning in September every year is: "See You At The Pole Day" ...flagpole, that is. This is the day that Christian students, faculty and community members gather at 7:00 AM around the flag pole at their local schools to pray for the students and staff of that school and our country's leaders. This goes on all over the United States and a lot of other places in the world.

It was no easy feat getting myself and my kids up and out the door by 6:45 this morning. And it was pouring rain, to boot. The attendance was disappointingly small, and whether the rain or that fact that the school administrator would not allow posters announcing the event to be put up contributed to that, I don't know. On hand was my friend, Dennise, who is a youth leader in our church and lives in another community 20 miles away, a husband and wife who are retired teachers from this school, a young mom who graduated from the school, and my kids and me. The current second grade teacher joined our prayer circle for a few moments and then scurried off to get to her classroom. No other faculty or students from this school showed up.

But God promises that where two or more are gathered in His Name, He is there also. He also promises that when two or more believers agree and pray according to His will He will hear and answer. I believe God keeps His promises and I felt His Presence there with us as the rain came down and our prayers lifted up. I believe we prayed according to His will as we asked for protection for students and staff, for believers in the school to be bold in sharing their faith, for nonbelievers to be drawn to Him and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, for His guiding hand to be with leaders of our government. I was very thankful and blessed to be able to stand there at the flagpole with my children and pray with a handful of other followers of Christ for this little school and community. And I am waiting expectantly for God's Spirit to move and bring revival there.

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