Saturday, April 30, 2005


Another child's birthday! Today it's Taylie turning fifteen. FIFTEEN!! How did that happen?! I can't believe the cold and windy day in April, when our beautiful baby girl came into our lives, was fifteen years ago. And what an entry it was! She took her sweet time -- eighteen hours of labor with very little progress -- and then, at 8:14 pm, Mama told the midwife, "I have the urge to push!" At 8:15, Taylor Grace was born. A little intense, to say the least. She continues to be intense in all she does...whether silly, serious, interested, or bored. Her likes and dislikes. Her work and play. She still takes us by surprise.

As I observe this tall (for our family), slender, blonde beauty, I can't help but marvel at God's creation; His gift to us. And at how He has gifted this young woman. It is with great anticipation and thankfulness, we await the unfolding of His good and perfect plan for our lovely daughter. Happy birthday, Taylie-girl; may you always be a woman after God's own heart.


Cheri said...

Happy Birthday Taylie We love you too!

Cheri said...
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Cheri said...

Tag you are it! See http://northwoodsramblings.blogspotcom for more information. (June 11 blog)