Thursday, April 30, 2009


...and it ain't me!

Nineteen years ago today God blessed our family with a daughter, Taylor Grace. Where have the years gone?

Beginning on her first birthday, Taylie's dad has given her a dozen roses every year on her special day. Even though she is away at college this year, he wanted to continue the tradition. After a little consideration, I thought I would enlist the help of Kimmie, who is the Recruitment Manager and Head Volleyball Coach at Crown College where Taylie atttends. I called her to ask if she could give me the number of a local florist and some idea of when best to have the roses delivered.

Kimmie, bless her heart, enthusiastically offered to take care of purchasing and personally delivering the roses to Taylie as a surprise. She even went so far as to take a photo of Tay with the flowers and email it to evidenced in the picture above. Taylie worked closely with Kimmie this year as the volleyball team manager and Kimmie shared with me how much she appreciated our daughter's help and her encouraging rapport with the team. I was very touched by her gracious words and help in carrying on this special tradition.

Happy blessed birthday to you today, "Gracie" have, indeed, been an undeserved gift to us from God.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This morning I was in town running errands and picked up an old Indian walking down the road. He also happens to be an old friend. I gave him a ride to his home and he invited me in for a cup of tea. A very delicious cup of tea...something from South Africa. When I asked where he'd gotten it he replied, "I'm a man of the world, you know." We sat on the back steps, sipping tea, catching up on each other's kids, and reminiscing. When I left, he gifted me with 3 bottles of this year's maple syrup and a new pair of moccasins.

As I drove home I thought of the unexpected gifts a day can bring. A visit with an old friend, precious pure maple moccasins. I hadn't asked for any of those things, but they were bestowed upon me. In my opinion, these are the best kind of gifts.

My thoughts turned to how God knows what we need and He gives...whether we ask Him or not. Even whether we love Him or not. So many things we take for granted...the air we breathe...the power that enables us to move, function, work, and play. Many un-asked-for faculties...a brain that can reason; sensory perceptions with which to see, hear, smell, feel; and a heart that steadily moves my lifeblood throughout my body.

Most of the many gifts and blessings God has given me I never asked for...His Word so I might know Him, His Spirit which renews my mind and strengthens my heart to obey Him, His Son to take the penalty of my sin that I might have eternal life in Him, and free will to choose. I didn't ask for these things, yet He gave them to me. "Every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no shadow of turning." James 1:17 NKJV

Thank you, Father God, for so much.

Friday, April 17, 2009


"Specialist Ramsey Haynes is in the lead at three under par in the First Annual Afghan Open as he tees off on hole seven, a wicked 475 yard fairway with a monstrous sand trap."

Just thought I'd share this picture with you made me smile. Until, that is, I talked to Ramsey on the phone this morning and he told me he was hitting the ball over the perimeter wall trying to set off land mines in a mine field on the other side. Sheesh.