March can seem like the longest month of the year, can't it? Everyone can get a little testy, even our feathered friends at the feeder. We're ready to be done with winter and get on with spring weather activities, but this month delights in being fickle...sunshine and temps in the upper 40s to low 50s for three days and then it plummets back down into the 20s and 30s with freezing rain and snow. I saw on the news this morning that the areas of Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and others are bracing themselves for one to two feet of snow in the next 24 hours! In my neck of the woods we'd take that with a begrudging sigh, but it's got to come as a rude shock to folks in those parts of the country.
Currently, I am on spring break with no plans to head south to a sunny beach somewhere. Instead my goal is to head deep into the dusty netherworld of my long neglected bedroom for a major makeover. First, a good old-fashioned pitch and toss, looking at everything with a critical eye and realistic expectation: "am I ever going to wear this or use this?", and organize what's left. Second, eliminate some of the furniture to free up some floor space, bring in the industrial-strength shop vac and banish all the dust bunnies, dust puppies, dust ponies, and dust rhinos.
Then the fun part begins: Down to the home supply store to purchase paint and back home to apply it. A trip to the fabric store to choose a coordinating fabric to sew curtains or perhaps just valances for the windows.

For the finishing touch: lay down the beautiful hooked wool rug and make up our bed with the wonderful new linens my girlfriends helped me pick out on our recent road trip to the Twin Cities. It's going to be quite a transformation. I will post an "after" picture but don't think for one minute you'll see the "before" shot!